You CAN make a difference.
The Jackson in Action 83 Foundation is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that relies heavily on the generous donations from people like you.
When you give, you provide support for programs that positively impact the educational, emotional, and physical health of military children and families. From our annual Youth in Action sports camp for military children, to our Salute to Reading and Salute to Scholars programs, to our Danny Dogtags children’s books, our programs strive to uplift children dealing with challenges associated with military life, as well as facilitate communication and strengthen bonds between military parents and their children.
Your tax-deductible donation can be made in three simple ways:
2. Mail a check payable to:
Jackson in Action 83 Foundation
3225 S. Macdill Ave Suite 129, Box #230
Tampa, FL 33629-8171
We are sincerely grateful for your gift. Thank you for your support!