Military Moms Baby Shower

The Military Moms Baby Shower began in 2014 as the vision and passion of Lindsey Jackson who, at the time, was pregnant with the Jacksons’ first child. The Jacksons had moved to Tampa for Vincent’s NFL career, far away from their families and established network of friends, much like many military families are forced to do when orders change or deployments occur. Lindsey realized that many young military families were expecting a baby in a place where they didn’t have the support system that most first-time families enjoy. The annual shower provides these military families with an experience they might not receive otherwise, as many are stationed far away from family and friends who would traditionally host a baby shower for them. At the event, military moms are able to meet one another and establish connections that provide support to them and their families moving forward.

Themed each year as a brunch event, 40 expecting or recently delivered military moms are invited to receive bundles of items to help them care for their newborn. Moms are either active duty or spouse/partner of active duty military personnel stationed at MacDill Air Force Base and local Coast Guard Air Stations. Best-selling child development book authors and parenting consultants, Moms On Call, are always present to speak words of encouragement to the young parents and answer questions about newborn care, sleep scheduling, and more. Every family in attendance takes home diaper bags full of essentials, as well as larger items such as a car seat, stroller, high chair, play yard and walker.

In 2024,the foundation hosted our 11th Annual Military Moms Baby Shower, presented by Chicco and Delta Children. In total over 11 years, the Jackson in Action 83 Foundation has gifted approximately $911,865 in goods and services to more than 380 young military families to help them welcome their babies. 

Click here to view photos from the 11th Annual Military Moms Baby Shower.

11th Annual Military Moms Baby Shower Sponsors

The Military Moms Baby Shower would not be the huge success it is without the generous support of our sponsors and in kind donors who gift their products to our military moms. A big thank you goes out to the sponsors below:



Thank you for your support!


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